Sunday, May 25, 2008


So finally after all that( I request the readers to kindly go through the previous post) I am in!!....(in fact i even dropped a year to make it to this place)...and as I said life took its own turns!(honestly it was out of my control for some time!) .
Day1: Mom n Dad say goodbye(after setting up) and take the first flight to home at dawn. Classes are bound to start the next day. I roamed aimlessly inside the campus trying to socialize if possible. Initially there was a sli feeling of s(h)ome sickness which was treated as soon as i got myself acquitted with my hostelmates(the first one was ofcourse my roomie). I knew only one guy initially who studied with me previously. The rest of the day passed peacefully chatting with new friends and I even spent some time in the common room. All the parents have still not left.
In the night when I saw the time table for the semester the first time I was awed by the sight of it. Initially I could not make head or tail of it, but in a few seconds it was clear( I had to note it down separately)...and then I retired early after a busy day.
Day2: The first class was that of physics then followed by maths and the afty it was free....and so the routine followed....well I think there is no point in commenting on Prof's but certainly you cannot expect the best from everyone. So be it! seemed to be quite OK..ish
but mind that's only the fist impression later it deteriorated and now its just something close to 'eatable'.

Well later that night we had something called a 'roll call' (I barely remember) in the hostel common room where all the freshers are supposed to gather to know who our hostel secretaries are and most importantly to know each other and the actual purpose of it was to introduce ourselves to the hostel and get to know our seniors well. Well it turned out to be quite fun until we were called of by some seniors to their rooms for the later session. They get to choose their prey for the next few hours. Well everyone seemed to be interested in only two topics first one being INTRO(meaning you got give your detailed introduction) and the other one is your opinion on the 'u know what' three lettered word(just in case! in here I mean) and other variable forms of it!
Some gave long lectures on 'how to do things on your own' kind of stuff and some others were pathetic. Some were unbearable but you have no option. You got to speak, perform or in fact do anything at your own levels of comfort!.sometimes it's painful and at other times it's fun(when you see it happening to others :-) .
A few days passed by and by the time we finally get to know each other properly the famous
Murphy's law comes into action -"every thing goes wrong suddenly".....our first midsems are approaching! I've got this sick habit of getting nervous and panicking in the last minute has been
my style of approaching any exam! I don't like to emphasise details regarding exams or grades much here( although they are quite reasonable and OK..ishh :-D).
(PS: See the comments.....grades are indeed too sanctimonious to mention here!)


Man is said to be born innocent. Entering into this cruel world as a baby is one of the you-know-what kind of thing that ever happened to you. Well life is supposed to be fun and I strongly believe in this: “We are born with an entry pass for the world of enjoyment”.
Then the school life which is supposed or rather believed to be an integral part of childhood of any being (homo-sapiens in particular) arrives for which many of us had some commitments. Well I passed this stage in peace as far as I remember. Then comes the next stage which is common to many of the beings around here but not for all. This I think many of you guessed it right by now….the struggle for where-you-are-right-now stage. Each one of us (or atleast many of us) must have done something that brought us here. For some it may be worth remembering this part of life and for some it’s difficult to forget. I fall in the latter category.
In this part of life we all had to deal with three of the most powerful, darkest and quite interesting (for some) thingy’s so called mathematics, physics &chemistry. Well the exam is supposed to be such that one would not be able to clear it if they haven’t attained a certain level of proficiency in either of these (which is not at present I feel) subjects. And yes, any messing around on the D-day you pay for it—in the form of another year of your precious life or an everlasting lifelong memory depending on your choice. There are better things to do in life other than this at this point of time, but it is purely on the basis of your choice that you ended up here screwing yourself and to which you don’t regret(I hope so).
Ting! Its 4’o clock am…cock-a-doodle-doo goes my alarm. Damn!! Its morning so fast! looks like I went to sleep just a minute back. Well after all this is normal in today’s life. Now quick! No time to lose ! To the B-room. These coaching classes really beat the shit out of students. And if I say that I’m from Hyderabad!!… a city where there are more coaching centers than restaurants and cinema halls, a city where everyone is obsessed with the idea of sending their offspring’s to IIT’s, a city where the number of IIT graduates you are acquainted with is the measure of your persona, a city where everyone’s an expert on “how to get your kid enrolled into an IIT” and forgive me I can’t say any more.
One thing is true for sure, life was quite challenging at this point of time. Imagine solving a problem in analysis for hours and ending up screwing yourself(like 0=0 after all the agony) or getting stuck in the middle of a complex organic synthesis. It’s really disgusting I agree, but this is the way you are supposed to learn things they say so. Or even for that matter imagine mugging up a 700 pages textbook for answering a question worth a single mark in the exam.
Slogging this hard for the matter of a 6-hour exam is not that simple. Well anything can happen on the D-day. Like for eg: I spent quite an amount of time trying to figure out the L.C of a screw gauge, and writing off glucose as a polymer was one of the major blunder for which six marks were penalized. Another such instance is ending up saying that x^2 + 2 =0 has no roots at all!
These are unforgivable and quite stupid enough, but as I said anything can happen on the D-day or rather the judgment day. Strenuous efforts don’t go in waste, they pay back at some or the other point of time in life. What I pity most is the life of ordinary but talented and those of mediocre students who dream of doing passionate things in life but end up rotting by slogging against their own will to make their parents wish come true.
Well one thing is true, the systems plan of eradicating tuition centers and coaching institutes by reforming the exam pattern has backfired. The new standards attract many students to take up the so called prestigious entrance examination even if they are unfit or mentally unsound to do so.
There are students who turned nuts taking up this preparation stuff and all too seriously. For eg: whenever they see headlines in a newspaper all they could think of was the number of ways you can arrange the words of the headlines so that no two vowels are consecutive! Or even thinking how the amino acids in the boiled egg are bonded to each other to make up the polypeptide and how these are analyzed using N-terminal analysis and yes what was the reagent for that…O god damn I forgot!! So sick! Well taking these things seriously will not only make people go nuts but also lead to complicated mental ailments.
And then the results are out! Parents celebrate; students celebrate more than any festival during that year. The scene is as if the world’s ending tomorrow so party as much as possible tonight. One thing they do not realize is this is not the ultimate goal in life. This is just a proper background that you setup for yourself to start achieving something.
And after getting through yippee!!
Day 0 : well too difficult to remember because there were many things going on around…and yes life took an interesting turn after that and everything went as well as it could.
(PS: I’d like to say that I’m really sarcastic about the last two lines)


The other day I was going through my profile I realised that I had already started doing this stuff(I mean this blogger thingy) and it was almost a year I completely managed to get away with it. Well the last post was the one after all the disastrous moments(will be discussed shortly) passed away and I was joblessLy whiling away time in the vacation like mad.
Fortunately or so after my XIII(Its not difficult to guess what this means!) I am presented with the opportunity to study in one of the premiere institutions of India called 'The Indian Institute of technology', Madras(IITM) after clearing the so called one of the toughest exams in our nation -the prestigious 'IITJEE'.
So I was destined to live in Chennai(most of the time) for the next four eventful years of my life.
A year after getting into the insti passed and here I am again sitting jobless(well busy sleeping most of the time) writing this stuff.
Hope you dont get pissed off reading this!!